Artist: Kendra Adamson Burton
Medium: Oil on Panel
Titles: Fern-y Girl, Grandma’s Succulents, Snake-y Snake Plant, She’s a Pilea, A Fiddle-y Thing, Ficus on the Good, Wandering Pothos, Bonsai!, Delicious Monster, I’ve Got My Pearls on a String
Artist Biography: Kendra Adamson Burton was born in the PNW and grew up in the Mountain West. She studied art at Snow College and BYUI, earning a Bachelor of Arts with an emphasis in drawing and painting in 2017. In the moments she can find between raising her two girls, she’s drawn to capture portraits, birds, and landscapes in charcoal, oil, and watercolor. An Air Force wife, she and her family are often on the move, seeking beauty and adventure wherever they land.